5 steps to using mass timber in multifamily housing
5 steps to using mass timber in multifamily housingA design-assist approach can provide the most effective delivery method for multifamily housing projects using mass timber as the primary building...
View ArticleSchool districts are prioritizing federal funds for air filtration, HVAC...
School districts are prioritizing federal funds for air filtration, HVAC upgrades0dbaristaWed, 11/30/2022 - 13:25K-12 SchoolsU.S. school districts are widely planning to use funds from last year’s...
View ArticleCross laminated timber market forecast to more than triple by end of decade
Cross laminated timber market forecast to more than triple by end of decade0dbaristaThu, 12/01/2022 - 11:53Mass TimberCross laminated timber (CLT) is gaining acceptance as an eco-friendly building...
View ArticleFlood protection: What building owners need to know to protect their properties
Flood protection: What building owners need to know to protect their propertiesDoug Coenen, PE, and Ray Drexler, PE, Walter P MooredbaristaWed, 12/14/2022 - 15:07This course examines numerous flood...
View ArticleAcoustic design considerations at the building envelope
Acoustic design considerations at the building envelope0dbaristaTue, 12/20/2022 - 10:14Acentech's Ben Markham identifies the primary concerns with acoustic performance at the building envelope and...
View ArticleInnovative solutions emerge to address New York’s new greenhouse gas law
Innovative solutions emerge to address New York’s new greenhouse gas law0dbaristaMon, 01/09/2023 - 20:59SustainabilityNew York City’s Local Law 97, an ambitious climate plan that includes fines for...
View ArticleCES recognizes a Dutch firm’s wearable technology for construction management
CES recognizes a Dutch firm’s wearable technology for construction management0jcaulfieldSat, 01/14/2023 - 13:13AEC Tech InnovationThe firm’s TokenMe product offers construction managers a real-time...
View ArticleData-informed design, with Josh Fritz of LEO A DALY
Data-informed design, with Josh Fritz of LEO A DALY0dbaristaThu, 01/19/2023 - 10:35Joshua Fritz, Leo A Daly's first Data Scientist, discusses how information analysis can improve building project...
View ArticleResearchers investigate ancient Roman concrete to make durable, lower carbon...
Researchers investigate ancient Roman concrete to make durable, lower carbon mortar0dbaristaTue, 01/24/2023 - 11:57ConcreteResearchers have turned to an ancient Roman concrete recipe to develop more...
View ArticleConTech investment weathered last year’s shaky economy
ConTech investment weathered last year’s shaky economy0jcaulfieldTue, 01/24/2023 - 14:43AEC Tech InnovationInvestment in construction technology (ConTech) hit $5.38 billion last year (less than a 1%...
View ArticleHow to set up your next mass timber construction project for success
How to set up your next mass timber construction project for success0dbaristaFri, 01/27/2023 - 10:13Mass TimberXL Construction co-founder Dave Beck shares important preconstruction steps for designing...
View ArticleKey takeaways from Autodesk University 2022
Key takeaways from Autodesk University 20220qpurcellFri, 01/27/2023 - 11:42AEC TechAutodesk laid out its long-term vision to drive digital collaboration through cloud-based solutions and emphasized the...
View ArticleHow to solve humidity issues in hospitals and healthcare facilities
How to solve humidity issues in hospitals and healthcare facilities 0dbaristaTue, 01/31/2023 - 11:46Healthcare FacilitiesHumidity control is one of the top mechanical issues healthcare clients face....
View ArticleHUD unveils report to help multifamily housing developers overcome barriers...
HUD unveils report to help multifamily housing developers overcome barriers to offsite construction0dbaristaFri, 02/03/2023 - 13:13Multifamily HousingThe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
View ArticleA wind energy system—without the blades—can be placed on commercial building...
A wind energy system—without the blades—can be placed on commercial building rooftops0dbaristaWed, 02/08/2023 - 15:03SustainabilityAeromine Technologies’ bladeless system captures and amplifies a...
View ArticleMultifamily construction startup Cassette takes a different approach to...
Multifamily construction startup Cassette takes a different approach to modular building0dbaristaWed, 03/01/2023 - 14:47Multifamily HousingPrefabricated modular design and construction have made...
View ArticlePallet Shelter is fighting homelessness, one person and modular pod at a time
Pallet Shelter is fighting homelessness, one person and modular pod at a time0dbaristaFri, 03/03/2023 - 09:01Modular BuildingEverett, Wash.-based Pallet Inc. helped the City of Burlington, Vt., turn a...
View ArticleMeet BD+C's 2023 AEC Innovators
Meet BD+C's 2023 AEC Innovators0dbaristaFri, 03/03/2023 - 09:41AEC InnovatorsMore than ever, AEC firms and their suppliers are wedding innovation with corporate responsibility. How they are addressing...
View ArticleUniversity of Oklahoma, Missouri S&T add storm-safe spaces in student housing...
University of Oklahoma, Missouri S&T add storm-safe spaces in student housing buildings for tornado protection0dbaristaMon, 03/13/2023 - 15:55Student HousingMore universities are incorporating...
View ArticleReaping the benefits of offsite construction, with ICC's Ryan Colker
Reaping the benefits of offsite construction, with ICC's Ryan Colker 0dbaristaTue, 03/14/2023 - 14:24Ryan Colker, VP of Innovation at the International Code Council, discusses how municipal...
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